Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is that the sun I see?

at Tuesday, March 29, 2011 0 comments
I have a confession...I'm terrible at keeping my blog up to date. Between school and my bumpin social life (let's be real here...it's just school, there's no fooling you!) I've been a busy girl! Last weekend I went home to see my best friend before she went to Vegas for the weekend. Boy did I get a little crazy with the kitchen this weekend! I made petite lasagna one night, but the Pièce de résistance of the weekend was snickers-peanut butter cookies! Man they were delicious! It was a peanut butter cookie wrapped around a mini snickers; topped off with snickers pieces. They were about 10554542 calories, but they were well worth every good ol' lb.

Ignore my oddly shaped claw hand...I don't know why I felt the need to hold it like that

This weekend, I also did a lot of "soul searching" (as many 20 year olds will do when trying to map out their future). I've decided to become a single majored gal. I was once a double major, but I have said goodbye to English and have decided to only stick with History...I know, I'm a boring History nerd.

The pretty fountain in my backyard

I'm running out of topics, so instead of boring you with my ranting about something completely out of left field (speaking of which opening day for MLB in 3 days! I'm beyond excited). Have a great day lovelies! Enjoy the Sunshine and these picture that I took recently.

My puppy! Look how intent he looks, he was staring at my waiting for me to drop cookie chunks when I was baking over the weekend

I forgot to share with everyone a picture of the cabin I went to with my friend Brittany in Crescent City, CA. It was so cute and quaint

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My little secret...

at Sunday, March 20, 2011 0 comments
This weekend has been a time of relaxation for me. In the past couple of weeks, I've been feeling that I might drown in all that needs to be completed for school (homework, midterms, papers, and even finding roommates for an apartment next year-- boy was that stressful), coming home was just what the doctor ordered. It was wonderful to be able to come home, virtually homework free (with the exception of a wonderful book for my Lit. and Culture class that I needed to read)...so, when i turned on the TV, you can imagine to joyful squeal I let out to discover that it was a Harry Potter Weekend!!! Harry Potter is my equivalent to heroine for a druggie, I just can't get enough! I've been involved in a love affair with that spectacle wearing wizard since I was 10; given the chance, I would marry Daniel Radcliffe...don't judge.

How cute was he in the first movie?!

I'm gonna let my freak flag fly for about two minuets here and tell you all...it is my dream to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! It's going to be part of my Honeymoon Extravaganza ( I proclaimed this to my family last night and they laughed at me...I'm completely serious, Adam Scott- my future husband- can surely afford to take me on an extravaganza.) Growing up, I was always that kid that wished they could go to Hogwarts in the worst way...shoot, I'm still that kid! Wouldn't Hogwarts me so much better than Jessup? Am I right or am I right??

I feel like I may cry after the last movie comes out. I haven't quite figured out if I'll cry because it is the last movie, or if I'll cry because it signifies the end of my childhood. I've literally grown up with Harry Potter (Emma Watson and I are the same age); the end of Harry Potter means the end of an era. I've gone from a child to an adult in the time span of the saga that is Harry Potter; I'll miss those days. I remember my mom coming home from the store with the newest book for me; I remember coming home from Church camp in the summer to see the new book propped up on my pillow, and I remember marking my calender for midnight movie premiers with my friends. And yes, I was that girl that watched the last movie and cried for Dobby and Hedwig (heck, I cried while reading the last book). Don't judge. I am in love with Harry Potter.

Now that I've shared this embarrassing little secret with you all, don't judge me dear readers!
Dobby! The cutest house elf this side of the pond

Saturday, March 19, 2011

at Saturday, March 19, 2011 0 comments
I'm back!! It's been way too long since the last time I was able to share my thoughts with you on this blog. So much has happened since I last wrote. Let me share a few:
-I think I may have lost a tiny chunk of my brain in the process of writing papers. Is there a signal that goes out to all teachers that tells them another one has made a paper due, so they must also have a paper due. I literally had a paper due everyday for two weeks, sometimes two a day. Ok...enough of my whining, I'm even getting annoyed with myself.
-Last weekend I went away with my good friend/old roommate Brittany to a cabin in Crescent City with some of her friends from Oregon. Man, it was beautiful. It was so nice to be surrounded by redwoods, to soak in a hot tub while the rain poured down, and looking out from the porch to the river. It was gorgeous. Of course, I gave my mom a scare because I went to Crescent City the day a tsunami hit the harbor there. She laughs because I called her and said, "mom, I know the tsunami destroyed the harbor, but I still have plans to go and I'll be safe."

On a more somber note, I can't help but stop and stare at the TV whenever I see footage from the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan. As humans, we sometimes forget the majesty of God and the dangers that Nature can bring. We see nature as something beautiful, and mostly peaceful; we forget that she can also cause the earth to shift on its axis. The power of nature is not something to mess with or forget about. My thoughts and my prayers go out to all those living in Japan, as well as those here that have family over there that may be missing or injured. I pray for a speedy recovery, but more importantly, I pray that we will bind ourselves together as a human race and help those in Japan recover and build up once again. There is nothing too small or too big that we can do as a nation; let's help our fellow man.

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