I have a confession...I'm terrible at keeping my blog up to date. Between school and my bumpin social life (let's be real here...it's just school, there's no fooling you!) I've been a busy girl! Last weekend I went home to see my best friend before she went to Vegas for the weekend. Boy did I get a little crazy with the kitchen this weekend! I made petite lasagna one night, but the
Pièce de résistance of the weekend was snickers-peanut butter cookies! Man they were delicious! It was a peanut butter cookie wrapped around a mini snickers; topped off with snickers pieces. They were about 10554542 calories, but they were well worth every good ol' lb.
Ignore my oddly shaped claw hand...I don't know why I felt the need to hold it like that |
This weekend, I also did a lot of "soul searching" (as many 20 year olds will do when trying to map out their future). I've decided to become a single majored gal. I was once a double major, but I have said goodbye to English and have decided to only stick with History...I know, I'm a boring History nerd.
The pretty fountain in my backyard |
I'm running out of topics, so instead of boring you with my ranting about something completely out of left field (speaking of which opening day for MLB in 3 days! I'm beyond excited). Have a great day lovelies! Enjoy the Sunshine and these picture that I took recently.
My puppy! Look how intent he looks, he was staring at my waiting for me to drop cookie chunks when I was baking over the weekend |
I forgot to share with everyone a picture of the cabin I went to with my friend Brittany in Crescent City, CA. It was so cute and quaint |
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