Sunday, September 9, 2012

Once upon a time...I went to England. Where I discovered my best was not good enough.

at Sunday, September 09, 2012
It's been too long, dear friends, since I have last broken the silence of this blog. My life has drastically changed since last October (nearly a year ago!).

Here is a rough breakdown:

1) I have broken my chain of ridiculous fickleness and have been in a splendid relationship for over a year now.

2) I'm graduating college this year! Whattttt? When did I get to be so old?! (This is generally what I think every time I spend my own money and I look at my GRE - an exam for grad school - study guide.)

3) Perhaps the biggest change of all.... I'M AN OXFORD STUDENT!

Have you heard? I go to school in England now! That's right, the world has proven that I am in fact pretty dang smart. (I must not inflate my ego, I must not inflate my ego)

About a week ago, I hopped on a plane in Sacramento, CA and flew to London, England (with a layover in Dallas of course). The entire trip felt like a dream. Am I really doing this? was all I could think about.

Outside the Old Bodelian Library

Why yes, this is the Great Hall from Harry Potter. At Christ Church College

Yes children, I really did it.

After being here for only a week my life has already been changed drastically. I'm excited to wander in a town that was established well before America was even a glimmer of a thought. I'm longing to prance down the halls of colleges established in the 12th century. I'm even excited to trip on the cobblestones for the first time! Let's face it, I will trip at some point, I am my mother's daughter after all.

For the next four months, I plan to share all my experiences (the good, the bad, and the really ugly- I am an American in England after all) with you on this blog. Please stop by as often as you'd like and I'll be sure to update it regularly.

I'd love to stay and chat and tell you more, but I have a ten page paper due in a few days that I have yet to start and I must. I'll  be back soon with stories, so fear not!


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