Monday, January 10, 2011


at Monday, January 10, 2011
There is something about the morning hours that I actually enjoy. It may be the quite stillness that lingers in the house, or the fact that my cat is actually nice to me in the morning. If any of you have ever met Dewey, you would know that this is a miracle (he's nice because he's tired from a long night of mischief making). I love the expectation of the day that hangs in the air; the feeling that anything can be accomplished that day. In the morning, everything is new.

I woke up this morning with every intention of going on a run. Since I've been at home for break, I've been a bit lacking on my exercise routine. I went from working out every day to.....let's just say not working out everyday. I miss it. I love the feeling of my heart pumping my blood faster and faster. I love the feeling of actually being active and doing something good for my body. I woke up at 9am to go out for a run with my sweet new running shoes. After I put on my running gear, I walked downstairs to put said shoes on when...THEY WOULDN'T FIT! I was angry to say the least. In my head I was thinking : I woke up for nothing! I could have had another 30 mins. The thought crossed my mind to just run in converse but I decided that A) that would look stupid and B) that would hurt my feet.

I don't know what happened. Why don't my shoes fit? My mother would chime in with that's because you didn't try them on (which she undoubtedly will when she hears I have to go to the store to return them). I have two theories as to why they don't fit.

First theory: my socks are too thick

Second: The band aids on my big toe are making the shoe too tight. Ladies and Gents, don't ever try to have an epic battle with a pair of toenail clippers, the clippers will prevail. It looked like Gladiator 3D last night.

Or simply, my last theory: I suck.

Whatever the real reason as to why my running shoes won't fit, I'm majorly disappointed. I had high hopes for this morning. I was going to run, shower, read some Jane Austen, eat breakfast, and then blog. I'm still doing all those things, minus the running, but it's just not the same. So, in honor of the age old saying, "when life hands you lemons...", I'm going to do some pilates instead.


Dominique on January 10, 2011 at 11:06 AM said...

Bummer! And don't feel bad, I totally slacked off over the break, too. ;)

Anonymous said...

Lol that's a pretty picture and a funny blog? i Love running too... on my break i get more time so i work out and run : ) but I've been running on and off because of summer classes. But as soon i get out my nike free 5.0 are going to be 0.5 : ) (corny) lol

Anonymous said...

Download ka option 2 bhai

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