Monday, May 16, 2011

I'll refrain from any catchy headline about summer

at Monday, May 16, 2011
SIIIGGGGHHHHH..... I feel like I can finally let out a gigantic breath because I'm officially done with my semester and am now attempting to enjoy my summer break (although it's been raining all day so it doesn't feel like much of a summer, my body is thoroughly confused). It was a rough couple of weeks before school ended, everything felt like it went downhill once I returned to Jessup after spring break. Between the stress of last minute papers, studying for finals, and other drama that comes with attending a small school I had no time to relax and unwind (which is explains my absence from this little beauty here- I know at least one person out there reads my little blog here regularly...I hope). Anywho, I'm back and have a few funny little tales to share with you.

On my morning run this morning (does 11 o'clock still count as morning) I encountered two funny things-- at least funny to me. Please laugh out of pity if you don't find them funny.
1) I was running and a car that had just married written all over, soda cans dangling from the bumper, toilet paper strewn all over it, the whole shebang drove past me. As I was smiling to myself, I am a girl and romantic by birth (give me a break here people...i may not care for babies but I do have a heart), a soda can rolled to my feet. My question to you is: does that count as a bouquet, does that mean I'll be the next to get married?
2)As I ran past the park (maybe running leads to strange events) I ran past a van with an open door. I looked over to see a group of mentally handicapped adults on some type of outing; while I wasn't paying attention, a man jumped out of the van and yelled at me. This startled me so I ran faster, I looked behind me only to see him following me! Needless to say, I ran faster. Maybe being chased by a mentally handicapped man for a good chunk of the street home was just what I needed to get my heart really pumping. I think I'll forgo this method of cardio training tomorrow, I'm not trying to have a heart attack here people. Never before have my little legs pumped so hard...that might not be true, I'm reminded of a time in kindergarten when I was being chased by another mentally handicapped girl on the play ground as she yelled "diarrhea, diarrhea!" Maybe I'm like a magnet...

It's been great being home, I'm looking forward to the books that I'll read, the blogs I'll actually have time to write, and the dinners I'll cook! Part of the fun of being home is cooking meals, much to the chagrin of my little brother because I like to make healthy meals. Now, without further ado I must bid you farewell as I need to figure out how the heck I'm going to fit all my dorm stuff into my room at home. This is no easy task as my entire house looks like my dorm room threw up in it. How does such a tiny girl accumulate so much stuff? It's probably my addiction to buying used books... I need another book shelf in my room. Why must I have such a great love for literature?!

Tune in tomorrow for another story from my awkward life, you know you want to. Just give in.

Bonfire! Yes, I look like the female Quasimodo...don't judge, that's just how my face looks

I taught Angelina Jolie how to dodge bullets... clearly she didn't take note of how to make the proper facial expression while doing so. 

Here's to the beginning of a lovely, life changing summer!
One of the last walks with college friends of the semester... clearly I don't know how to make a normal face


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