lovelies, if you are a fellow jessupite reading this, you can rejoice with me that we are finally (or at least a day away) to being on spring break! Can it be? I thought spring break this year was just a cruel rumor circulating (like those days in high school....but I digress) that we would never actually get to taste, smell, touch, or hear! But it turns out that this little beauty is actually true and actually upon us now! I'm so excited. I've been feeling very lethargic lately and very much like a sleepy cat that sits inside on the windowsill and begs for sleep (all that I've wanted to do is sleep in the sun, the warm, warm sun that has finally begun exclaiming its presence). Obviously I have not been able to lay in the sun all day and be a lazy bum...I do have to have some type of standard I keep in school. But those days that I have been able to stretch out on the lawn with some friends and read my book (I'm currently reading
Maus: My Father Bleeds History by Art Spiegelman, a fabulous graphic novel about his father's time in a concentration camp during WWII....I highly recommend it. But enough about the book, the history major in me is beginning to blab on) have been glorious. Who knew that a little sunshine, good friends, and a good book would bring me such joy? I highly recommend it.
My lovely graphic novel- Maus: My Father Bleeds History |
School has been hectic lately, I have so much to do that I can actually feel the hairs on my head turning white. While I do plan on having fun this spring break, I'm going to Los Angeles and San Diego (most likely) with my roommates and dear friends from school, I also plan to use this time as a catch up on all that I need to do. Talking to my friend Alyssa last night on our trip to the gym really made me realize how little time I actually have left in the semester. In just a few short weeks school will be over! Where did the time go? I have too many papers than should be legally allowed and I have tests to start studying for (or at least pretend to be thinking about studying for). Time is a fickle thing, you either seem to have too much or too little...when it comes to school and homework and projects it seems we always fall in the latter category. In all honesty, I'm excited for the fall semester. Last night, we registered for classes and picked the apartment that we're living in next year! It all seems so surreal because it's hard to believe that this year is nearly over and we're going to begin a new year. When did this happen?!
On a different note, one that doesn't make me want to have a panic attack and punch my roommate (or a small child) in the face to release my anxiety, last weekend I went to Old Town Sacramento with some girls from school. Let me tell you, I love Old Town! It's so much fun and adorable! We went to look for some masquerade masks for some girls because our school was putting on a Masquerade Ball (which was AMAZING! Good job Jessup!). I've been wanting to go there for a while now because one of our friends is from Oregon and had never been there before. If you've never been, GO! It's a cool experience and a real treat. It's an old historical place, very old west feel (the historian in me loves it). Last weekend was one of the best and most relaxing that I've had in a while; I needed to de-stress and regroup and my girls did the trick last weekend. Thanks ladies!
Megan (left) and Me (right) walking into Old Town as seen from the angle of our friend Rose |
So, now that you know my Spring Break plans, what are you planning? Or if you're not on spring break, what will you do this weekend to relax and let go of all that stress from the week?
I just find this hilarious. It's the nerd in me...what can I say?! |