Tuesday, January 18, 2011

back to the grind...

at Tuesday, January 18, 2011
It's that time of year again. The time when all good college students (or the ones forced by their parents) make their way back to school. I'm not dreading the start of the semester, in fact, I open it with open arms. I know that with the start of this semester, it will come to an end and I will be that much closer to graduation. Oh no, the thing I dread this semester is having to write the incomprehensible amount of papers that will surely come my way. Why did I think that being a double major would be a good thing? Especially having two majors that require so much writing? Because I'm working on primarily major requirements now, I don't really have any frivolous general ed. stuff to fill my time...so now I actually have to use my brain. Don't get me wrong, I love English and History, but not nearly as much as a fat kid loves pie. I'm taking 18 units and I welcome the challenge! (Que evil maniacal laugh)

On another note, now that I've used this spot for my pathetic pity party, let me tell you about my wonderful Christmas break with my family (and since I'm a christian and go to a christian school, I WILL call it CHRISTMAS break). My activities over break really only consisted on one thing...I ate. I ate a lot. Never in  my life has a break been so consumed (ha no pun intended) with eating. I should correct myself, it was really only the beginning of the break that I ate so much. I made gingerbread, peppermint bark, sugar cookies, and then there was the inevitable holiday dinners. Now I'm not suggesting that I've gained any weight (because I haven't), and when you see me, don't you dare imply that I have, but I didn't really care what I was putting into my gut, like I usually do. I was eating all sorts of processed foods!

Over the break, my older brother Kyle came home for Christmas with his wife Jenny. Kyle is in the army and I don't get to see him nearly enough. This is the first time he's been with us for Christmas in several years, and really that was the best part of Christmas. I'm proud of my brother for all he has done in the Army and will continue to support him throughout life. Kyle has been to Korea and Iraq, and is stationed in Washington right now. Having him home for Christmas filled a void that was formed when he left for the army and could no longer be with us at all holiday and family functions. It's hard not always having him there, but I know he is doing so much bigger and better than us all. He is part of something that is bigger than the individual. In addition to him being home for Christmas, he was also home for his 22nd birthday! He hasn't had a birthday with the family in God knows how long.

This picture is of Kyle in Iraq

I love break, and I love time with my family. Family is something I will treasure for a lifetime.


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