Monday, May 30, 2011

Have you met Satan?

at Monday, May 30, 2011 0 comments
Peacefulness. When ever I am truly at peace (if there ever is such a time) my mind is on a constant loop of Frank Sinatra, Billie Holiday, Romantic Period piano music, and many other strange tunes that a girl my age probably shouldn't know my societal norms. I feel a cool breeze; yet, that breeze has a soft warm touch that kisses my face and legs. Nothing is better than sitting outside, in a state of contentment; with a cup of tea at your side. Nothing. Even now, as I listen to my good buddy Frank, I feel this feeling of contentment.

Sighhhhhh..... Oh hang on, let me remove the ferocious beast that is currently trying to suck my life out through my ankle bones.

You would never suspect this face to be the spawn of Satan...
the Napoleon Bonaparte of Cats would you?

It is when I'm peaceful that my cat attacks. Oh Satan....I mean Dewey....when will you ever let me be?!

I don't know how many of you have had the privilege, yes it is a privilege, to meet Dewey ( I mean Satan); I'm not sure if you have if that is a good thing or if you should count yourself lucky if you haven't. You how do I put this in the nicest, most polite way possible....Dewey is a little...poo poo head (I have decided to censor myself, because trust me, there are better adjectives out there to describe this special animal).

Satan is a confused animal. There is no way around it, he's actually very dumb. He does this thing with his head where it looks like he's trying to be another member of the Village People and learn the YMCA. I don't understand him. If Edward Cullen was a cat, he would be Satan Dewey. Let me explain. You see, even as I type this, he is standing in the corner looking down at his paws; trying to be soulful and brooding all at once. He believes this is his best pose. I think it's not. Dewey is like a french Edward Cullen. He's black and white (good and evil), but the evil side is represented in a larger quantity. I can't help but be the helpless (made even more helpless by Kristen Stewart's acting) Bella Swan around him-- I know he can destroy me, yet I still try to love him and have his love be returned. But he's cold and heartless. It's a sick, twisted, abusive relationship really.

Is that a bird? A plane???'s just Dewey flying through the air to attack the Dog.

The Showdown between the small horse and Satan...

Dewey has no real fear. He's not afraid of me (which he demonstrates every day when he attacks-- I mean ATTACKS-- my toes and my thighs [I just choose to say he has a crush on me...someone's got to right?]) or the dog. Granted, our dog is probably the most feminine male dog you will ever lay eyes upon. I think Dewey is half squirrel...he flies through the air, leaps of furniture onto the back of the unsuspecting dog or human, with the greatest of ease.

Boxing match between the brother and Satan. Satan wins every time
The nerve of this animal. He is the rudest feline ever (that might be because he is part devil...) but this might be due in part to the fact that he is french. Did I not tell you? Dewey is French, my Dog is German...yes I've given my animals nationalities and I speak to them in their native tongues sometimes. Don't judge my awkward life. Anywho... Satan walks along the counters, looks in the eye of the nearest human, and pushes things off the counter. Rude right? Of the french...

Now that I've officially established myself in your mind as the crazy cat lady, I think I'll stop my awkward rant about my cat. But he is rude, and I needed to share with you my suffering.
My nametag Cup my mom got me

Friday, May 27, 2011

What? Don't you answer the door in a towel? Well...this is awkward..

at Friday, May 27, 2011 1 comments
Hectic. Crazy. Stressful. and a little bit...Awkward. These are surely the only words that can be used to describe my life (ok, I'll admit there are a few more words that can probably be used but let's not focus on that right now). This morning was an interesting start to my day, to say the very least. After I hopped out of the shower --keep this part in mind it's very important-- I was in my my underwear (remember I just got out of the shower) I heard loud crashing in my hallway right outside my bedroom door.

Now....I feel the need to tell you about Satan. My Cat. Bear with me here to a quick sec. I'll get back to the story, keep your panties on. Satan Dewey is a loud and very destructive creature who is constantly knocking things off counters and off walls.

My dad has some golf dvd's on the ledge upstairs ( dad is strange and has recorded golf tournaments from like the 50s to present day...don't judge) and I figured he had just knocked them all down the stairs. I was wrong.

So back to my story... As I was standing in my room-- remember I just got out of the shower-- the crashing noise kept going; I knew it wasn't Satan when I heard my mom yelling at me to call 911. I look out into the hall to see my little brother having a grand mal seizure. This was the hectic and crazy part of my day that I promised to explain earlier in the post. Now comes the awkward.

Remember when I said that I just got out of the shower? No?? Well let me refresh your memory... I just got out of the shower. Got it? Good. So I was standing there on the phone with the 911 operator when I realized...hmmm it's a bit drafty.

Ohhhhh.... this would be because I'm standing out in the hallway in my underwear.

As a young woman, let's just say I don't exactly wear old lady underwear. Sorry folks, I have no filter with you. Luckily I had enough sense to throw on a bath towel before I answered the door for the paramedics and the firefighters. Why is my life so awkward? And why was that firefighter so cute? Why was I in a towel with wet hair!? Dang bad timing...not that there is ever a good time for Jacob to have a seizure.

So anywho, the good news is that Jacob is fine. He was just being a terrible teenager and wasn't taking his seizure meds and that is what caused the seizure...someones in trouble....

On a happier note! My older brother Kyle came home (or straight to the hospital) today from Washington state on leave from the army. I'm so happy to have him home for the weekend, even if our first reunion was in the hospital. He brought home is small horse dog Duke who met my small dog chase and also Satan (who proceeded to tear apart my arm as he tried to flee from the small horse Duke). I look forward to an awkward free weekend, but know that probably won't happen. At least let this weekend be relaxing and not crazy please Lord!

The Small Horse...I mean Duke... Just ignore my face..I thought he
was going to knock me over
I hope you all have a great and lazy memorial day weekend! Remember those that have served, are serving, or will serve in the future in the military. On Monday tune in when I actually tell you all about Satan and how he got that nickname (my cat, not the actual Satan...).
This is chase....please ignore my face...I don't always look like a deranged killer

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The reason why I'm sane

at Thursday, May 26, 2011 1 comments
ahhhh summer. At least, my calendar says it's summer but apparently the weather wants to make me look like a fool. My body was confused yesterday morning when I stepped outside for my morning run and it was cloudy. I wish I could tell you it was no big thang...oh no, it was a big thang. It rained. I thought I was on Summer break from school?

Hang on, let me grab my microphone....WHAT HAPPENED TO SUMMER BREAK?!

It turned out fine, despite the soggy running shoes and having to shove my iphone in my pants to protect it from the rain* it was actually an enjoyable run...if runs could ever be called such things.

This morning was perhaps one of my favorite ways to spend summer break so far. My good friend (and future roommate) Alyssa came over to my house for a mid-morning walk and I made us breakfast (you can check out her super cute blog here ). I feel like summer would not be complete without good friends and good food (good fresh food might I add, not doughnuts). This summer I have already been up to Sacramento area once to see my good friends Emily and Megan; let me tell you, those girls are the reason-- or one of the reasons-- why I love my school. What is better than good friends? Answer: nothing.

Speaking of good friends, I said goodbye to my amazing friend Ian the other night. Justin Bieber...I mean Ian, is going on him mission to Malaysia for two years and let me tell you, those are some lucky people.

It's only two years, it's only two years, it's only two years....

I keep having to remind myself that it is only two years; but in all reality, a lot can happen in two years. With as fast as time flies (two years ago I was starting college) a lot can change. I know that I am a different person than I was two years ago, and I know that in two years when I'm turning 23 I will have grown so much more than I can even perceive. I know that Ian is a good friend, but I can't help but wonder...can a distance half a world away change us? I plan on doing my darnedest to not allow that to happen, but things change and that's not necessarily a bad thing. As it stand right now, I love all of my friends and will continue to love you all forever. Thank you for all the amazing times in the past and the times to come.

searching through my old pictures i stumbled across this one from high school. The look on my face is pure joy...this is why I love my friends

Ok. enough of my sob story. Tune in tomorrow when I tell you about Satan. I mean my cat Dewey. (yes, I am that crazy cat with it!)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

once upon a time, a strange naked boy came knocking...almost....

at Tuesday, May 17, 2011 2 comments
Have I ever shared with you the story of my encounter with the autistic child that ran into my house one afternoon? No??? Well, would you like to laugh today (I would hope the answer is yes or you may need to go to a psychologist... hang on, I think I have a card somewhere in my wallet....)?? 

So there I was, sitting in the most comfortable chair in the house, watching tv with my little brother. My dad had just announced that he was going to take a nap (a regular afternoon occurrence in my house...give him a break, he's an old firefighter). As I was just about the hit that perfect moment when you're watching tv and your body just gels into the furniture the front door creaks open.

"mom?"- Me (she was supposed to be at work, but I thought that maybe she was coming home for lunch)

Nothing, there was no answer but the door swung open wider and next thing I know, a little child's head pops into the door.

My reaction you ask?

"ummmm....hello?? Can I help you?" clearly I don't know how to talk to children, I just treat them like strange adults.

At that point, the child took my questioning as a signal to run completely into the front room of my house. 

My thought process you ask again? Let me tell you...

Ok, who is this child that ran into my house? Is he on fire? No... Bleeding? Nooo... Why is his mouth dark blue? Oh wait..... he is butt naked!! 

That's right folks, this child that ran into my house was as naked as a jay bird! This 10 year old boy who I had never seen before was bearing more than I ever cared to see from a stranger. At this point, since he clearly was more interested in running around my front room than listening to me, I took my cat and ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I was only looking out for the safety of my cat, I didn't want her to escape after all. Nooooo, get that idea out of your head. I didn't lock myself in the bathroom because children scare me, especially naked children, where did you get this idea?

Keep in mind, at this point in the story my dad is sleeping in his bedroom. As my dad tells it, the child ran into his bedroom and started banging on his tv. Awaken by the sounds of tiny fists banging on a hard surface, my poor father wakes up in a confused state only to find a naked child in his room. A foreign nude child. What does one make of this situation in a haze of sleepiness? I'll tell you what one makes of this...they chase after it  (the child is the it, if you didn't take notice).

So there's my dad, running after a nude child. 

Rewind.... I feel there is something you must know about my father... I probably shouldn't tell you, but for the sake of artistic accuracy, I feel I must.... he sleeps in his underwear sometimes, and this was one of those times. (I feel like I should tell you that I feel slightly awkward writing that out as he is sitting right next to me at the table while I type this....sorry pops!)

Anywho, back to the story. So my dad is chasing this small, nude child around the room when it dawns on him: (I'll take artistic liberty here as I can't remember the exact wording of his thoughts) "I'm in my underwear, chasing around a small, naked child that I don't know...this doesn't look good. Where are my pants?!"

So after he puts pants on, and finally is able to wrangle up the strange child, he takes him outside where the neighbor of this child is looking for him. He apparently lived a street down and she saw him roaming the streets...naked as a jay bird. 

What really gets me is that I have to wonder what my little brother was doing this whole time? I feel like, and I speak from experience as his older sister, that he was still sitting on the couch throughout this whole ordeal, mesmerized by the television. 

So there my lovelies is another glimpse into my awkward life. I feel as though I could honestly write a book about all the strange and bizarre things that have happened to me. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

I'll refrain from any catchy headline about summer

at Monday, May 16, 2011 0 comments
SIIIGGGGHHHHH..... I feel like I can finally let out a gigantic breath because I'm officially done with my semester and am now attempting to enjoy my summer break (although it's been raining all day so it doesn't feel like much of a summer, my body is thoroughly confused). It was a rough couple of weeks before school ended, everything felt like it went downhill once I returned to Jessup after spring break. Between the stress of last minute papers, studying for finals, and other drama that comes with attending a small school I had no time to relax and unwind (which is explains my absence from this little beauty here- I know at least one person out there reads my little blog here regularly...I hope). Anywho, I'm back and have a few funny little tales to share with you.

On my morning run this morning (does 11 o'clock still count as morning) I encountered two funny things-- at least funny to me. Please laugh out of pity if you don't find them funny.
1) I was running and a car that had just married written all over, soda cans dangling from the bumper, toilet paper strewn all over it, the whole shebang drove past me. As I was smiling to myself, I am a girl and romantic by birth (give me a break here people...i may not care for babies but I do have a heart), a soda can rolled to my feet. My question to you is: does that count as a bouquet, does that mean I'll be the next to get married?
2)As I ran past the park (maybe running leads to strange events) I ran past a van with an open door. I looked over to see a group of mentally handicapped adults on some type of outing; while I wasn't paying attention, a man jumped out of the van and yelled at me. This startled me so I ran faster, I looked behind me only to see him following me! Needless to say, I ran faster. Maybe being chased by a mentally handicapped man for a good chunk of the street home was just what I needed to get my heart really pumping. I think I'll forgo this method of cardio training tomorrow, I'm not trying to have a heart attack here people. Never before have my little legs pumped so hard...that might not be true, I'm reminded of a time in kindergarten when I was being chased by another mentally handicapped girl on the play ground as she yelled "diarrhea, diarrhea!" Maybe I'm like a magnet...

It's been great being home, I'm looking forward to the books that I'll read, the blogs I'll actually have time to write, and the dinners I'll cook! Part of the fun of being home is cooking meals, much to the chagrin of my little brother because I like to make healthy meals. Now, without further ado I must bid you farewell as I need to figure out how the heck I'm going to fit all my dorm stuff into my room at home. This is no easy task as my entire house looks like my dorm room threw up in it. How does such a tiny girl accumulate so much stuff? It's probably my addiction to buying used books... I need another book shelf in my room. Why must I have such a great love for literature?!

Tune in tomorrow for another story from my awkward life, you know you want to. Just give in.

Bonfire! Yes, I look like the female Quasimodo...don't judge, that's just how my face looks

I taught Angelina Jolie how to dodge bullets... clearly she didn't take note of how to make the proper facial expression while doing so. 

Here's to the beginning of a lovely, life changing summer!
One of the last walks with college friends of the semester... clearly I don't know how to make a normal face

Monday, May 2, 2011

sooo...this is awkward.

at Monday, May 02, 2011 0 comments
It's when my feet hit the pavement in a constant rhythm. It's in those few stolen moments between classes and in the late afternoon when I have time to myself to write and reflect. It's in those late hours at night when my mind goes a thousand miles a minute into the pleasant places and the places I'd rather not travel. It's in those moments when my eyes first see the light of the new day; when my mind is still foggy and I try to catch those last minutes of sleep in my net. These are the times that I think the most. Here in lies the danger.

Why do we let our thoughts get away from us. I've been in a super funky mood ever since I returned to Jessup from spring break. Spring break in San Diego with my girls was just what I needed to clear my head before I returned to the fogginess that is Jessup. I love my school, but sometimes it's simply too much for me. I feel like I will be crushed within its walls; it suffocates me. I try to tread lightly, but sometimes I can feel the ice begin to splinter beneath my tired feet. Just two weeks. Just two weeks. This is a mantra that sounds in my head with each step I take. Just two weeks. Just two weeks.

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